For more information about each dog, click on their name.
New kids on the block!
Can. GVX BIS US Sel. FV BISS GrCh Kaleef’s Mercedes
Sel Ch Kaleef’s Fra Diavolo di Donato
Ch. Kaleef’s Mayhem OFA
Can. Sel. Ch. Kaleef’s Cataclysm OFA
Kaleef’s Seraphim
Some of our legends!
BIS/BISS CH Kaleef’s Genuine Risk ROM OFA Excellent
Dallas x Valle
A member of the elite 100 Best in Show club.
2003-2004 Quaker Oats
Bronson x MVX CH Karizma’s Liberia Von Loar ROM OFA
BIS Am/Can CH MACH8 PAM Kaleef’s Divine v Kenlyn VCD1 RE HT MXG3 MJG3 TDI CGC OFA CHIC
Can Sel Ex Am/Can CH Pastor Burgos x Gracie
AOE 3x Sel Ex CH & Can Sel CH GCH Karizma’s Malawi Kaleef Von Loar RN PT CGC TC CHIC ROM
Bronson x MVX CH Karizma’s Liberia Von Loar ROM OFA
AOE 3X Sel Exc Can Sel CH Kaleef’s Joshua v Kenlyn OFA
Bronson x CH Kenlyn’s Jodie v Wildwood
Breeders: Sheree and James Moses and Kent Boyles Owners: Frank and Kristine Fasano and Sheree Moses
Bronson x CH Pleasant Hill’s Camille v Kenlyn OFA Excellent
BIS/BISS Can GVx 2X Am Sel CH Kaleef’s Geneva v Aeval- Achtung
Dallas x Valle
2007 Quaker Oats winner, #1 Herding Dog
Multiple BISS 2009 US Sel Exc 2X Can Sel BIM FV 2006 Best Puppy Canadian National US/Can CH Kaleef’s It’s All About Me CGC OFA H/E Thyroid certified
Bronson x Havoc
CH Kaleef’s Plaudit v Jaepaul HSAs ROM OFA
CH Kaleef’s Ellegally Blonde ROM OFA
Thymer x Blondie
Can MVX Am/Can Sel CH Kaleef’s Jade v Tamar
Dallas x Passia
CH Kaleef’s Ruffian
Bronson x Genuine Risk
Best puppy under Charlie Mardecz in one of her first appearances.
Kaleef’s Mer Soleil